What’s the matter with Arkansas’ football program? “Nothing,” AD says

Hunter Yurachek has faith in Arkansas football. You should, too.

Hunter Yurachek was right, like he has been so many times before. Nothing is wrong with the Arkansas football program.

The Razorbacks athletic director was asked, directly, “What is wrong with our football program?” by a fan during Wednesday’s luncheon at the Little Rock Touchdown Club. Yurchek’s response was to the point.

Arkansas is 3-3 at the halfway point of the 2022 college football season. Not a record glimmering, but not one suggesting imminent doom, either. The team was ranked as high as No. 10 in the country at one point this season, then lost on a fluke fumble returned for a touchdown, lost to the No. 1 team the college football world has ever seen, then, yes, saw their doors blown off in a game that should have been closer.

But anyone who thinks Arkansas was supposed to be 5-1 at this point of the season hasn’t been paying attention. Brains too sapped by TikTok or memes or too busy living in a world in which society is too busy condemning the things it sees as unfit.

Heck, that’s why so many wrongful-headed people were calling for Kendal Briles’ and Barry Odom’s jobs after the Alabama and Mississippi State games. Abandon ship. Burn it down. All that jazz.

It’s madness. Yurchek handled the question a lot better than he could have. A lot better than he had every reason to, in fact. Of course, he’s a well-trained professional.

How easy some have forgotten the wobegone days of Chad Morris, the last season of Bret Bielema or the lone John L. Smith year. Those years, asking “What’s wrong with our football program?” was valid. This year? No way. No how.

Arkansas was never going to go 10-2 and compete for a national title. Not in 2022. Sam Pittman simply hasn’t had the time to build the roster.

That isn’t to say he will soon, either. But as old-school folks like to say, put on your big-boy pants and toughen up. There’s a whole ‘nother half of the schedule to play. And you can count on Yurchek and Pittman figuring it out.

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