What is embellishment in hockey? The NHL rule about diving, explained

Here’s the explanation of what embellishment or diving is in the NHL.

Yes, there’s such a thing as an embellishment penalty (or diving) in the NHL, and while it’s rarely called, it’s been whistled by hockey referees.

Section 9 and Rule 64 of the NHL rulebook keeps it fairly simple and straightforward when it comes to how it’s called.

“Any player who blatantly dives, embellishes a fall or a reaction, or who feigns an injury shall be penalized with a minor penalty under this rule,” the book states.

“A goalkeeper who deliberately initiates contact with an attacking
player other than to establish position in the crease, or who otherwise
acts to create the appearance of other than incidental contact with an
attacking player, is subject to the assessment of a minor penalty for
diving / embellishment,” it continues.

Translation: if you try to flop and make the infraction from an opposing player look worse, you’ll get sent to the box, although sometimes this happens and … maybe it’s isn’t embellishment!