What did it sound like when yo’ mama …

What did it sound like when yo’ mama chewed you out? Paolo Banchero: [laughs] Depends! She don’t usually gotta get on me about not working out or anything, because I was always willing to do that. But, sometimes it would be after a game or tournament and I wasn’t playing well, she was gon’ let me know in the car and definitely tell me what I didn’t do right or what I needed to do better. Do y’all still talk about your game now? Banchero: Yeah, but she’s definitely, like, kinda chilled out [laughs]. Just because, you know, as I’ve gotten older and into new levels of basketball she understands my coaches will do that. But she still, definitely, gives me pointers and tells me what she sees and thinks I could do better. I would say the delivery is a little different because I’m not a young kid so she’s not yelling at me as much.