What Brian Kelly said in his opening press conference

Brian Kelly “I believe I can make a significant difference”

On Wednesday, LSU officially announced Brian Kelly as the head coach.

“I will say this that when we talk about making decisions it is really about people,” Kelly said in his opening statement. “This is so much about alignment and for me, this alignment relative to this university, the goals, what is in store for LSU athletics. That is what the draw is for me.”

Kelly thanked President Tate and athletic director Scott Woodward as well as the Board of Supervisors at LSU. “I can’t say enough about my 12 years at Notre Dame, the incredible people I worked with, and certainly the incredible players that I had the honor to coach there. But that alignment also has to be with my family because this has been a family journey for me.”

Kelly did point out his wife and children that were in attendance at the press conference. “On both sides of the aisle at LSU, the alignment, my family’s alignment, and certainly the opportunity to be here amongst the finest players, staff, coaches,” Kelly said. “Being part of the SEC, an incredible challenge and opportunity in my life that I was excited to take on once I got to meet Scott [Woodward] and spend time with Scott.”

Kelly did speak to his alignment in excellence in academics and athletics.

A look at what Brian Kelly said to reporters during the question and answer segment of the press conference.