What are the ins and out of the potential new NFL CBA?

The next step in the NFL CBA issue is for players to vote on the proposed deal.,

The potential for a new CBA between the NFL and the NFLPA is in the hands of the masses. The players will be voting on it — within the next few weeks — after player representatives voted to send a new deal already approved by the owners, which includes a 17-game season to the full union membership.

The vote to send the proposal along was 17-14 with one abstention.

The current CBA expires in March of 2021. Owners want to avoid any potential of labor strife by working out an arrangement long before that timeframe.

The proposal now goes to the full union for a vote, though it won’t be accompanied by a formal recommendation from the player reps because it wasn’t approved by a 2/3 super majority. So, what will the players be weighing when they determine if there is labor peace?

In addition to the extra game in the regular season, which is expected to begin in  2021, there will be more roster spots; a shortened preseason; a higher percentage of revenue for players; and upgraded pensions for former players.

So, how does a 17-game regular season balance when the number of games would be odd? Teams would have nine home games and eight road games in alternating season.

Among other issues on the table that owners have green-lit are:

    • A cap on the number of international games and that there would not be a full week of such contests. More likely is a continued mix of games in England (and other European sites) and Mexico.
    • Training camp padded practices would be reduced from a total of 28 to 16. There would be more days off during camp — eight instead of five — and a limit on joint practices.
    • No extra bye week in the regular season. Teams would have two weeks to prepare for the season opener, with the elimination of the fourth preseason game.
    • Rosters would expand from 53 to 55, with 48 players able to dress for games rather than the current 46. Practice squads would go from 10 players to 12 and eventually to 14, probably by 2022.

While a majority is all that is needed to ratify the CBA, there will be opposition.

Clarence E. Hill, Jr. of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported the Executive Committee’s vote against the proposed CBA went from 6-5 on Friday to 7-4 on Tuesday.


It’s unclear who changed his vote. Members of the Executive Committee who are believed to be opposed to the CBA include Richard Sherman, Russell Okung, and Adam Vinatieri.