Westminster Best in Show winner Siba the standard poodle had a secret weapon: McDonald’s

It worked!

Siba the standard poodle took the Best in Show honors at the 2020 Westminster Dog Show (although a lot of folks were pulling for Daniel the golden retriever).

The dog’s secret to success? McDonald’s.

Per the New York Times, Siba loves to eat chicken, so before the nonsporting group judging that would lead to a win and the eventual Best in Show, she needed a snack. More from the piece on Siba:

“(Handler Chrystal) Murray couldn’t find any (chicken) before the judging in the nonsporting group, she turned to the closest available option: chicken sandwiches from a nearby McDonald’s. Siba gobbled them up, and then had the same meal for dinner on Tuesday.”

Sounds like there’s an opportunity for an endorsement deal:

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