Welcome back to FTW’s Beverage of the Week series. Here, we mostly chronicle and review beers, but happily expand that scope to any beverage that pairs well with sports. Yes, even cookie dough whiskey.
I’m a booze guy, not a weed guy. Marijuana, in my limited but assuredly legal experience, doesn’t do much for me. Joints, vape pens, edibles all kinda fall flat against my expectation of being high as a guy and, mercifully, getting the kind of sleep I once did as a teenager.
But I’m open to trying new things. And since cannabis-infused drinks are legal here in Wisconsin (but neither medicinal or recreational weed are, because this is a state that enjoys hemorrhaging money over the border) that meant giving MXXN a try.
MXXN, pronounced “moon” I’m assured, is riding the wave of relaxed marijuana laws and the increasing popularity of the once taboo substance. It’s also taking direct aim at traditional drinkers, making cannabis-infused bottles to mimic tried and true spirits like bourbon, tequila and gin. At roughly $80 per fifth, it’s priced like an upper class booze.
Can it deliver on that promise? I’m not expecting a ton in terms of taste, but I am diving in on the one tenet I badly want from my cannabis. I want this thing to relax me and, ultimately, usher me off to eight proper hours of sleep.
This is a big deal. I suck at sleeping. Fix me, MXXN. Or at least help me buy in to the idea a little herbal supplement can help.