‘We ride for Seattle’: Game of Zones puts basketball city back in spotlight

Game of Zones, the Bleacher Report video series combining the NBA and Game of Thrones, entered Seattle prior to a game with the Dream Team.

In a fictional world combining the NBA and Game of Thrones, Seattle basketball has made its return.

On episode three of Game of Zones, NBA stars entered the former home of the SuperSonics to take on the ultimate foe.

For those who have not yet watched the series: In the new season of Game of Zones, the Dream Team returned in their prime form to take on the stars of today in a battle to decide which generation is truly the best.

Though there are jokes and themes from the HBO hit Game of Thrones, even those who didn’t watch that show can appreciate the basketball-related humor and plot lines in Game of Zones.

In episode two, Adam Silver announced that the media has voted on a “super-super house” of the best players in the league and that the game would take place in Seattle.

On the episode released Thursday, the team entered Seattle, where they established battle plans, LeBron James got a visit from Kobe Bryant and stars snubbed from their team launched an attack against the media.

Below is the third episode of the season. The first two can be found on the Bleacher Report YouTube page as well.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CStaxpRvKds]