Watch: Washington’s defense forces a safety

It is shaping up to be a defensive struggle between Washington and Dallas, and the Washington defense notches the first points of the game.

It is shaping up to be a defensive struggle in Landover between the Dallas Cowboys and the Washington Football Team. The first key defensive play came on a fourth-and-goal for Washington, when quarterback Kyle Allen was stuffed by the Cowboys’ defense.

But then it was Washington that turned the tables. On the ensuing Dallas possession, the fearsome Washington pass rush got to quarterback Andy Dalton, forcing a safety:

Washington brings a well-timed blitz off the edge, with safety Landon Collins coming off the left side. He executes a perfect pass rush move against tight end Dalton Schultz, who misses on the block. Collins swims to the outside and then angles back towards Dalton, swiping at the quarterback’s passing arm and punching the ball out. Schultz works back to recover the loose football preventing a Washington touchdown, but he is tackled in the end zone for a safety.