Watch: Video released from altercation involving Aaron Donald

Video from the altercation involving Aaron Donald and a man accusing him of assault has been released.

Aaron Donald and his lawyer seem certain the Los Angeles Rams defensive tackle didn’t harm the man accusing him of assault during an altercation in Pittsburgh over the weekend. Donald’s attorney, Casey White, cited surveillance video of the incident outside a party late Saturday night, which he says shows Donald didn’t commit assault and actually saved his accuser, DeVincent Spriggs, from further injury.

On Friday, a video from the incident was released on Twitter by Cara Sapida of WPXI in Pittsburgh. It appears to show Donald pushing people away from Spriggs, who was lying on the ground.

Donald’s attorney alleges that Spriggs elbowed Donald at the party and later swung a liquor bottle at the defensive tackle’s head after approaching him outside, which is when “all hell breaks loose,” his lawyer said.

Donald, 29, is from Pittsburgh and trains there during the offseason.