WATCH: Taylor Heinicke finds DeAndre Carter for 3rd touchdown pass of the day

Taylor Heinicke finds DeAndre Carter for his third touchdown of the day.

The Washington Football Team tied things up with the Panthers at 14 just before halftime when quarterback Taylor Heinicke found wide receiver Terry McLaurin for a 12-yard touchdown.

The score was critical because Washington would also receive the second-half kickoff.

For fans, the immediate thought is 14 points in a row with back-to-back possessions, but it rarely happens that way in the NFL, unlike in Madden.

However, in Washington’s case, it worked out. Heinicke led an impressive opening drive of the second half that culminated with a four-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver DeAndre Carter to give Washington a 21-14 lead.

It was Heinicke’s third touchdown of the day and the third consecutive game in which Carter has scored.

It was a beautiful route concept by offensive coordinator Scott Turner. He had tight end John Bates and Carter lined up on the left side of the formation, with Bates clearing out the defenders and Carter cutting back with the ball waiting for him.