WATCH: Spoof commercial promotes perfect drug for traumatized Jets fans

Fox Sports released a commercial for Jets fans to take “Forgetitiol” after watching them lose every week.

Are you a Jets fan in search of a way to forget about Gang Green’s ghastly performances each week? Well, now there’s a (fake) product that’s perfect for you!

Fox Sports aired a spoof commercial on Sunday promoting “Forgetitol.” The drug, marketed toward Jets fans, is designed to make sure you forget everything that just happened in the past week, including the latest ugly loss from Adam Gase and company.

In addition to taking the pill every Sunday after the Jets lose — “and they will” — “Forgetitol” instructions also include slapping yourself silly and knocking yourself out with a hammer. Side effects may include “internal bleeding, cranial hemorrhaging and completely forgetting everything in your life,” but you won’t remember a thing about the latest Jets loss.

“Forgetitol” is not covered by any insurance.

While the commercial featured a devastated Jets fan in a Sam Darnold jersey, “Forgetitol” can also be taken by fans of the Falcons, Giants, Texans, Vikings… “and by Week 8, probably the Browns.”