Skukuza Golf Club in South Africa has special qualities — the unfenced golf course is surrounded by a wildlife sanctuary and open to guests of sprawling Kruger National Park, so large critter sightings are not surprising.
Skukuza, which has no bunkers but plenty of trees, is billed as “one of the most unique 9-hole golf courses in the world.”
But a hyena, following closely behind a group? Even for Skukuza, that’s an interesting experience.
Sure enough, that’s what happened recently, as shown in this video by Neil Whyte documenting a hyena following closely behind as he walked from tee to green.
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More: Golfweek’s Best: Top 50 Modern International Courses
Our friends from For The Win had more on the hyena golfer story:
Whyte joked in the footage, “Got a new caddie on the golf course” and stopped walking while the hyena approached to within yards before veering to Whyte’s right.
It remains unclear if the hyena was hoping for a handout or if other hyenas were near.
Skukuza Golf Club, located in Kruger National Park, described on Facebook: “For those who have wondered if people actually play golf on our course… YES they do and they tend to make new friends along the way.”
Reads one of the top comments: “That hyena would be chewing on my dead body because I would have a heart attack right there.”
In June the club shared footage showing lions roaming a tee box in the predawn darkness, before the nine-hole course opened for play.
The course states on its website: “Since the course is not fenced-in, uninvited spectators are a common sight, hippo, impala, warthog and baboons to mention but a few.”