Watch: Rich Eisen talks about bombshell Russell Wilson report

For a player who was beloved unlike perhaps any other in Seattle sports, it’s been tough to see his fall from grace in such a diastatic manner. 

It seems everyone is talking about the latest Russell Wilson bombshell report, which included an allegation he tried to get general manager John Schneider and head coach Pete Carroll fired.

The entire report in The Athletic is hardly flattering to Wilson, as it describes the unusual nature of his personal coach being involved in he facility, clock management issues, and of course more detail into his personal office at the facility.

Wilson having an office has been well cited as an example of how bizarre things got in Denver, to say the least. It’s certainly one Rich Eisen could not stop thinking about, as the talk show host gave his opinions on the latest word about Wilson.

It isn’t just the fact Wilson has an office, it’s more so the fact it represents one of the biggest criticisms around him: his challenges of connecting with teammates in an authentic way.

For a player who was beloved unlike perhaps any other in Seattle sports, it’s been tough to see his fall from grace in such a diastatic manner.