Watch: New Notre Dame football workout hype video

Let’s go!!

We’re roughly two weeks from spring football officially getting going and just under seven months until the 2023 season kicks off in Ireland.  We’re not in preseason hype video season yet but we are counting down until what promises to be a unique spring session.

What we do have though are workout videos that take us behind the scenes.  Notre Dame football’s media team released a new one on Monday evening.  As usual, it delivers as strength and conditioning coach Matt Balis was again at his best in challenging the team to grow.  Check out the video that was released on social media below:

Balis in action speaks for itself as does seeing the head coach helping push players to improve.  Another highlight was [autotag]Nana Osafo-Mensah[/autotag] digging into a leadership role a bit more.

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