WATCH: MSU football releases hype video aimed at high school recruits

“We are building the future. All that is needed is you.”

The new Michigan State football program has been defined by one word: Relentless.

Along with being the go-to hashtag for Mel Tucker and co. since the new head coach’s arrival in East Lansing, relentless also describes the programs new attitude towards recruiting and using social media in that way.

Today the MSU football Twitter account released a hype video geared towards potential recruits. Check it out.

While the Dantonio regime certainly was doing some of this type of thing, it has been evident from anyone following that times are different with Tucker at the helm and recruiting has been thrust into the forefront; a place it hasn’t been at in East Lansing in a very long time.

Will it pay dividends and ultimately lead to wins? Who knows. But if it doesn’t it certainly won’t be for lack of effort.

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