Watch Killer Mike give stirring speech on protests after killing of George Floyd

LeBron James shared the speech, calling it a “mandatory listen.”

Rapper and activist Killer Mike spoke during a press conference on Friday night while protestors took to the streets of Atlanta over the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after a Minneapolis police officer put his knee into his neck for over eight minutes.

In the speech, Killer Mike first started by trying to put the riots into historical perspective, and empathize with the people who had taken to the streets. Citing hundreds of years of American policy which defined black people as less than their white counterparts, he makes clear that it wasn’t one isolated incident that brought us to where we are today.

To finish, he then pleaded with Atlantans to return home, and get to work on enabling systemic change.

LeBron James also shared the speech, calling it a “mandatory listen.

Watch the entire speech here:

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