Watch: Kids challenge Chargers’ Derwin James to Mario Kart showdown

These kids challenged Derwin James to an epic Mario Kart 8 Deluxe showdown.

Chargers safety Derwin James Jr. is featured in Whistle’s latest ‘Pressed’ episode, a new hidden camera format original comedy series. 

James believed he was participating in a moderated, panel discussion by journalists but quickly finds three middle-school-age reporters at the press conference. 

Not only did the kid reporters come ready with intellectual questions about the safety’s strategies on the field, but they also had some witty questions for James as well. 

The episode comes to an end with James and the young journalists battling it out on the Nintendo Switch as they play the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. 

Chargers fans, if you want some entertainment that includes your favorite safety, this is a must-watch.