WATCH: Justin Reid was mic’d up when he found out he’d be Chiefs’ kicker

#Chiefs S Justin Reid was conveniently mic’d up for his performance as the team’s emergency kicker in Week 1.

The Kansas City Chiefs shared a trailer for their upcoming episode of “The Franchise” and it revealed a fun moment from the team’s Week 1 game.

Justin Reid was mic’d up for the game and he was sitting on the bench talking with Juan Thornhill when long snapper James Winchester comes over to deliver the news.

“Hey, stay ready,” Winchester said. “Kicking. Butker, he did something to his ankle.”

Harrison Butker had rolled his ankle on the Chiefs’ opening kickoff and Reid was needed as an emergency kicker for the team. It was something that seemed like a joke in preseason and training camp, but became a reality very quickly as the season got started. Reid got off the bench and went over to Dave Toub and very casually says the following:

“Hey coach, you need me to do kickoff too?”

Toub’s response:

“Yes. . . You can kick off, right?”

“Yeah,” Reid says.

He got some work in on the sidelines with Tommy Townsend beforehand, most importantly getting their post-kick handshake down.

“Aye we’ve got to get our handshake down real quick,” Townsend said.

“OK, what are we doing,” Reid responded.

That was a smart move by Townsend to keep things light and keep Reid out of his head before his first PAT attempt, which he sent sailing through the uprights. Sure enough, he could kick off as well. He sent the first one booming 80 yards through the back of the endzone. Patrick Mahomes couldn’t even focus on the sideline because he was so impressed by it.

“Damn, he’s kicking the hell out of that ball,” Mahomes said. “Bro he kicked that thing through the uprights. J. Reid is kicking and he kicked it through the uprights.”

Episode 4 of season 3 “The Franchise” will be streaming on Thursday, September 22.

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