Watch: Huge carp wrestled from flooded California street

Video footage has surfaced showing two men wrestle a giant carp from a flooded street in Watsonville, Ca.

During extensive flooding, streets can resemble rivers complete with fish that have been swept over the banks of actual rivers and lakes.

The accompanying footage, featured Tuesday by KSBW Action News 8, shows two men wrestling what looks like a huge carp from a flooded street in Watsonville, Ca.

Laughter abounds as one man uses his body and arms to trap the carp against a curb before the other man plucks the fish from the water.

“We received more videos of people fishing in the flood waters around Watsonville,” the network tweeted. “This catch took a little more dedication than the first one.”

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That was a reference to the March 11 capture of a large carp on College Road in Watsonville. The fish apparently became dinner.

Watsonville is in Central California, a region battered by atmospheric rivers, which have prompted flood warnings and caused levee failures.

–Image courtesy of KSBW Action News 8