WATCH: Have Celtics alumni Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen squashed their feud?

Or is it still there, set to simmer?

Well over a decade past the last time the Boston Celtics won a title under the tenure of Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, and Kevin Garnett, media attention to the feud between those players sparked by Allen’s departure to the Miami Heat in 2012 continues to linger. Fueled by conveniently vague video clips, photos, and whispers that choose to ignore more of the same pointing to a different status quo between the trio, many fans wish the narrative would end.

With Pierce having made amends with Allen and an apparent detente if not friendship reached between Allen and Garnett on display as the trio posed for a photo at the 2022 NBA All-Star Game, is it safe to say the feud is over, even if their friendship might not be back?

The hosts of the CLNS Media podcast “The A-List” recently debated this question, with A. Sherrod Blakely, Gary Washburn, and Kwani A. Lunis all sharing their views on a sometimes touchy subject.

Check the clip embedded above out to hear their thoughts for yourself.

This post originally appeared on Celtics Wire. Follow us on Facebook!

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