Watch: Georgia takes shot at Tennessee with victory highlight video

Watch: Georgia takes shot at Tennessee with victory highlight video

No. 1 Georgia reeled off its 28th-straight SEC win with a 38-10 victory over then No. 18 Tennessee last week, a conference record.

Both fan bases circled this year’s game on the calendar ahead of the season after the No. 3 Bulldogs and No. 1 Volunteers battled it out in Sanford Stadium a year ago. Georgia walked away with a 27-13 win and went on to secure another national championship.

Tennessee’s 2023 season didn’t live up to the hype ahead of this year’s matchup, and the Vols entered the game with a 7-3 record and just three conference wins.

Even though the Bulldogs were two-score favorites entering the matchup, plenty of banter among fanbases helped create a rowdy atmosphere in Neyland Stadium.

The Georgia football creative video team released its “Victory Highlights” on Tuesday, which includes a rendition of Tennessee’s famous fight song “Rocky Top”, heated remarks from Vols faithful and sound bites from UGA’s coaching staff.

Tennessee fans will have to wait until 2024 if they want to see the Volunteers beat Georgia.