Watch: Buck seeks refuge in church on first day of deer season

Pastors at Grace Christian Fellowship Church were surprised to find a buck had broken into their church. The moment was captured in video.

On the first day of deer season for firearms in Michigan, a 10-point buck apparently sought to find refuge in Grace Christian Fellowship Church in Sturgis, breaking through a window and becoming a huge surprise to the pastors when they got to the church Monday morning.

“When Luke Eicher, Justin Wickey and Amanda Eicher arrived at the church this morning, they found signs of breaking and entering,” stated the church’s description on the video. “Little did they know that a 10-point buck had come for prayer in the auditorium on opening day of gun season.”

Pastor Amanda Eicher captured the discovery on video:

When the three walked into the church’s office Monday morning, they noticed light coming from a darkened window in the auditorium.

“When I peeked inside, I saw the window was broken and heard loud banging,” Amanda Eisher told Storyful. “My husband rushed in and found this 10-point buck. On the opening day of the gun season of all days!”

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As you can see in the video, the buck eventually made its way out the same way he had come in.

“There was some damage to the building and our pastors are a little traumatized,” the church reported. “But the buck left strengthened in the Lord to go face his battles.”

Photo courtesy of Grace Christian Fellowship Church.