Watch: Browns post-draft reaction show with Ellis Williams

Watch: Browns post-draft reaction show with Ellis Williams

The Cleveland Browns have been receiving high marks for their 2021 draft haul. General Manager Andrew Berry was able to land top tier cornerback Greg Newsome in the first round and traded up seven picks in the second round to get the steal of the draft, ending highly touted Notre Dame linebacker Jeremiah Owusu Koramoah’s draft slide at pick 52. After that, the Browns could have re-drafted CB Justin Gilbert and most would have been good with this years draft.

Berry stuck to his plan, landing high value picks throughout the rest of the draft. While the praise being showered onto Berry and the Browns front office is thoroughly enjoyable, the actual evaluation of NFL draft picks will go unknown until the players have adequate time on the field. Still, each team’s draft selections raise a number of questions about the individual players themselves, how they effect the roster going forward and of course how a team’s rivals faired in the draft as well. I caught up Ellis Williams of on Monday to talk about the Browns draft and those very topics. Enjoy!