Watch: Browns fans react to team acquiring Watson

Former Clemson and Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson was recently introduced by the Cleveland Browns as their new franchise quarterback after being traded from the Texans to the Browns and receiving a fully guaranteed five-year, $230 million …

Former Clemson and Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson was recently introduced by the Cleveland Browns as their new franchise quarterback after being traded from the Texans to the Browns and receiving a fully guaranteed five-year, $230 million contract with the organization.

News 5 Cleveland anchor Rob Powers spoke with fans to get their reaction to the Browns’ acquisition of Watson, a three-time Pro Bowler who not indicted on criminal charges but still faces civil lawsuits over sexual misconduct allegations.

You can see the video from News 5 Cleveland below:

–Photo for this article courtesy of USA Today Sports Images 

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