WATCH: Brown, Hayward test their knowledge of teammate’s alma maters

Watch as Boston Celtics teammates Gordon Hayward and Jaylen Brown test their knowledge of their teammate’s alma maters.

How well do you know your co-workers college backgrounds?

Odds are, probably not very well. But then, former college affiliation carries a lot more weight in the NBA, and the Boston Celtics have signed more than one NCAA enemy who have since become allies in the pro game.

Blueblood schools like UConn, Duke, Indiana and Kentucky and plucky mid-majors like Butler, UCF, Radford and SMU all make an appearance on Boston’s roster among several other schools of note — but which players went where, specifically?

There’s even a curveball thrown in for good measure of a member of the team who isn’t — technically speaking — on the roster that gives both of our contestants trouble.

Watch the video yourself to see how teammates Jaylen Brown and Gordon Hayward rate at remembering where their teammates played their college ball. It’s harder than you think, and they acquit themselves quite well.

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