Watch: Bear falls through ice, struggles to climb out

Witnesses felt helpless when a bear walking toward them on thin ice fell through and struggled to climb out of the frigid water. It was captured on video.

Family and friends were enjoying a birthday gathering at a rental house in South Lake Tahoe when they noticed a bear coming at them, walking gingerly over a lagoon covered in thin ice that could be heard cracking.

Suddenly, the bear fell through the ice and began struggling to escape.

The incident occurred in December at the south side of the Tahoe Keys Lagoon and was recorded by Alyssa Garcia. It was posted publicly for the first time Monday via ViralHog.

“Oh no,” Garcia exclaims in the video. “Oh no. Babe, call animal control.”

It took nearly two minutes for the bear to climb out of the frigid water and right itself on the ice. It then wandered back to where it came from, shaking the water out of its fur as it went.

Garcia explained further, telling USA Today/For The Win Outdoors:

“My boyfriend and my son were outside playing when they saw the bear. It’s still kinda far from where we are. Then after a few minutes, we notice that he is coming towards us. It’s a little scary at first because this was our first time to see a bear up close in the wilderness…

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“I was so nervous for the bear because we thought he won’t be able to make it! So, I started asking everyone if they can call the ‘Animal Control.’ To be honest, I really don’t know who to call at that time. But thank goodness he was able to pull himself up. The bear just turned around and started walking towards the forest.”

And no worse for wear, apparently.