Watch: Bear charging across snow nearly collides with skier

A skier at Heavenly Resort in South Lake Tahoe on Sunday captured footage of his near-collision with a large black bear that charged in front of him as he descended the slope.

A skier at Heavenly Resort in South Lake Tahoe on Sunday captured footage of his near-collision with a large black bear that charged in front of him as he descended the slope.

The accompanying footage originally appeared on TikTok via the user, @Tao7570, who shared the clip with ABC 10 News.

The user also shared the footage as a Facebook reel with the description: “Almost hit a bear skiing down Ridgerun [at] Heavenly. Didn’t realize it was a bear until it was too close.”

As viewers can see, the bear is intent on crossing the ski run and has to navigate through downhill skiers and snowboarders. The bear almost collides with the TikTok user, who keeps his camera phone trained on the fleeing bruin.

At no point did the bear act menacingly toward the skiers as it bounded toward and into the wilderness.

Although South Lake Tahoe is famous for its black bear population, most of the animals have denned up for the winter.