Watch: Allen Robinson makes incredible sideline catch in Week 6

Robinson made the impressive catch early in thee second-half of the Rams’ Week 6 matchup

Though he hasn’t lived up to the high expectations placed on him in 2022, Los Angeles Rams receiver Allen Robinson has made a huge impact on the team’s Week 6 matchup against the Carolina Panthers. His first-half touchdown constituted the Rams’ only points in the game to this point, and with another incredible catch to get Los Angeles moving in the third quarter, Robinson seems to be setting himself up for a breakout game.

Check out this exciting play that Robinson made early in the second half:

Nobody doubted that Robinson kept himself in bounds, and with this catch, he cemented himself as the Rams’ second-leading receiver. Los Angeles still has plenty of time to complete a comeback and is likely to need him to make more highlight reel plays like this one to get points on the board.

Robinson signed with the Rams in the offseason, and as a former Pro Bowl talent, was expected to be a perfect compliment to superstar Cooper Kupp on the other side of the field. He hasn’t shown to be the same threat he was earlier in his career, but with this exceptional performance, has shown more signs of life in the effort than he has in Los Angeles’ previous five matchups.