Washington to unveil new name and logo in early 2022 says Jason Wright

Jason Wright said the new WFT name and logo will be revealed in early 2022 in a chat with Nicki Jhabvala of The Washington Post.

Earlier this year, it was revealed the Washington Football Team would unveil its new team name sometime in 2022. That meant one more year of the “Football Team” nickname.

That bit of information was revealed through the team-created website, WashingtonJourney.com, which was created, in part, to keep fans updated on the name change and give fans a voice in the process.

In a wide-ranging chat with Nicki Jhabvala of The Washington Post, team president Jason Wright said Washington’s new name and logo would be revealed in early 2022.

Per Jhabvala:

The new name and logo will be revealed in early 2022, Wright said, and will retain the traditional burgundy and gold colors that are entrenched in the team’s history.

So, that essentially means sometime after the completion of the 2021 season, Washington fans will finally have a new team nickname and logo.

In Jhabvala’s story, Wright said the team hired Code and Theory, a digital creative agency, to help lead the franchise through the rebranding process. Part of that process was the creation of the aforementioned website, encouraging the involvement of the fans.

As Washington previously noted, the website received close to 40,000 submissions from fans regarding a new team name.

Wright also discussed a new stadium. The lease for FedEx Field expires five years after the rebranding, when it is expected the WFT will move into a new stadium.

A new stadium is more than just a place to play football, according to Wright.

“First and foremost, it’s an economic development engine,” Wright said. “And my background at McKinsey, when I thought about big mega projects like this, especially through the lens of equity and what it means for developing an equitable economy are major. Because it’s a lot of money that goes into the development of this, and it’s a lot of jobs that are created. It can be generationally changing for an area.”

This was an outstanding piece by Jhabvala, giving fans plenty of information regarding the team’s rebranding process.