Washington hasn’t been able to find any new ‘Murder Hornets’ since the first sightings

Well, that’s a relief.

Hey, here’s some good news from 2020:

It doesn’t look like the state of Washington is going to buckle at the hands of an infestation of Asian giant hornets — or “Murder Hornets,” as they’ve been so eloquently dubbed. At least, that’s the early indication.

Earlier in the month, The New York Times reported that for the first time the Asian giant hornet had been discovered in the U.S. near the border town of Blaine, Wash., and there was a separate nest in British Columbia.

Understandably, the name “Murder Hornet” and their sting, which is capable of killing a human if the person is stung multiple times, had the public concerned.

(AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

Nobody wanted to run into a 2-inch-long hornet with a stinger that can penetrate beekeepers suits. But still, the primary concern was with the North American honeybee population as Asian giant hornets attack and kill entire bee hives to feast on larva. While Japanese honeybees developed a defense mechanism, the North American bees would be especially vulnerable.

Yet, despite traps placed across the Pacific Northwest and beekeepers on high alert, there hasn’t been a new sighting of the hornets in 2020, according to Karla Salp of the Washington Department of Agriculture. The nest in British Columbia had also been eradicated. The traps can be seen below.

(AP Photo/Elaine Thompson, Pool)

Beekeepers will remain on the lookout as the weather gets warmer in Washington, but thus far, the lack of sightings has been encouraging.

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