Vikings updated depth chart at safety after 2022 NFL draft

The Vikings might have finally found Harrison Smith’s successor.

The Minnesota Vikings went into the 2022 NFL draft determined to patch things up on the backend of their defense. Opposing quarterbacks were taking whatever they wanted through the air against a unit that allowed the fifth-most passing yards per game last season and using them as target practice.

Something needed to change.

Sure, the team needed help at the cornerback position, but there was a serious underestimation at safety due to Harrison Smith’s lack of visible decline.

I wouldn’t quite dub him the Benjamin Button of defensive playmakers, but he’s as close at it gets. But at 33 years old, he’s closer to the end than he is the beginning.

While I wouldn’t go writing Smith’s NFL obituary just yet, the Vikings desperately needed to find a future star that wouldn’t only replace him, but they needed someone to wreak havoc alongside him. Xavier Woods was one-and-done in Minnesota, and Owner/President Mark Wilf has been adamant about wanting to win now and compete for a championship.

If the Vikings want to win now, an injection of youth and talent at the safety position was absolutely needed.