VIDEO: Referee’s terrible decision leads to Zuluzinho faceplanting into canvas after vicious knockout

This referee owes “Zulu” an apology.

Imagine you’re in a dominant mount position working on a submission attempt only to have the referee stand up you and your opponent. Then imagine within seconds of the reset you’re on the receiving end of a brutal knockout and face down on the canvas.

That’s unfortunately what happened to [autotag]Zuluzinho[/autotag] against Petr Romankevich on Saturday at AMC Fight Nights Global 114 in Minsk, Belarus.

Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s the video of the baffling and brutal sequence of events (via Twitter):

Why the referee decided to stand up Zuluzinho and Romankevich is anyone’s guess. All we know is that he owes “Zulu” an apology.

UPDATE: Apparently the referee may have been acting in accordance with a recently installed rule by AMC Fight Nights Global in which fighters are stood up after one minute, regardless if one fighter is working for a submission at that moment.

That is completely whack.

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