Video perfectly sums up just how huge Twins’ 6-foot-6 catcher Grayson Greiner looks

Grayson Greiner is SO TALL.

Grayson Greiner has been in the majors for a little while after the Detroit tigers took him in the third round of the 2014 draft.

But he’s now a Minnesota Twin, and a camera angle from spring training showed just how tall the 6-foot-6 catcher looks when he’s standing up behind the plate.

As Jonathan Davis — listed at 5-foot-8, if you’re wondering — stepped to the dish to face a 3-2 count, Greiner stood up as the home plate umpire made a call. And that’s when you see Greiner absolutely TOWER over Davis.

This is some Aaron Judge type stuff right here (and heck, maybe it’s the camera angle but this is still fun):