Video: Muay Thai decision reading goes terribly wrong, announces wrong winner multiple times

Wait, who won?

Well, everyone makes mistakes, but some might be more bizarre than others.

On Friday night, during the muay Thai card on Budo Sento Championship 3 in Mexico City, a decision announcement was beyond butchered.

The cage announcer read out the scores 30-27, 28-29 and 29-28, awarding a split-decision win to Hector Valenzuela. However, the referee raised Martin Navarro’s hand instead of Valenzuela’s. The commentators were confused, as they had thought Navarro had done more than enough to take home the win.

But immediately after, there seemed to be a correction issued, and the announcer once again gave a verdict but read the same decision and once again Navarro’s hand was raised instead of Valenzuela, who was the announced winner.

There was a third correction, reading the same decision, but finally Valenzuela’s hand was raised along with the call announcing he was the winner by split decision.

It was a confusing moment in combat sports that can be added to the ever-growing list of odd situations. Below you can watch the debacle of the decision reading at Budo Sento Championship 3 (via Twitter):

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