Vic Fangio says most police officers are great people

“I think the policemen are great,” Broncos coach Vic Fangio said.

During Zoom conference call with reporters earlier this week, Denver Broncos coach Vic Fangio said Derek Chauvin should be punished to the “fullest extent of the law” following the death of George Floyd.

Fangio also indicated that Chauvin is not a good representation of the majority of police he has met.

“I’ve been able to meet — I’ve lived in eight or nine different cities all across the country, and I’ve met a ton of police officers during that time,” Fangio said on June 2. “We have a bunch that work with us for the Broncos, and 98-99 percent of the policemen are great people that perform a great service for minimal pay and do a great job. It’s the one or two percent that haven’t been able to uphold the honor of the badge and the uniform that have gotten us into this place.

“I think the policemen are great. I think most of our players would tell you that too. But when you have a situation that has come up here recently and has happened in the past and has probably happened other times that we never hear about, they have to be rectified. Maybe now is the time that we can all work together to get that done.”

Denver safety Kareem Jackson is considering organizing a march to protest police brutality and social injustice.