VFL Derrick Tinsley discusses Harrison Bailey arriving at UT

Former Vol Derrick Tinsley discusses Harrison Bailey.

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KNOXVILLE — Harrison Bailey signed with Tennessee during the Early Signing Period on Dec. 18.

The 6-foot-4, 224-pound quarterback is from Marietta High School in Marietta, Ga.

Harrison Bailey
Photo by Dan Harralson, Vols Wire

Bailey led Marietta to a 7A Georgia state championship in 2019, the school’s first title since 1967.

The 2020 Tennessee signee was coached by former UT running back Derrick Tinsley. Tinsley played for the Vols from 2001-04.

On the show Tennessee Two-A-Days, Tinsley discussed Bailey’s championship senior season at Marietta, arriving at UT as an early enrollee and having the opportunity to go through spring practices.

The entire interview can be listened to below.

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Tinsley previously discussed Bailey with Vols Wire and how he will fit in at Tennessee and playing for offensive coordinator Jim Chaney.

“He will fit in right away,” Tinsley said. “He is a once in a lifetime type of guy, as far as a high school quarterback, and I think that will continue on to the next level.”