USC’s overachieving season ends in first round of NCAA Tournament

Losing again in the first round of #MarchMadness is no fun, but Friday’s loss to Michigan State showed why this team overachieved.

USC’s men’s basketball team has lost in the first round of the NCAA Tournament for the second consecutive season. That’s no fun. No one likes being bounced early and being unable to continue the ride for at least one more game. USC won’t have a chance to play its way into the Sweet 16 on Sunday. Michigan State stopped the Trojans cold on Friday in Columbus, Ohio.

This loss will certainly sting for Boogie Ellis and Drew Peterson as their USC careers come to a close. Not being able to perform at one’s very best when the bright lights are shining truly hurts. Yet, if you look at the bigger picture, Boogie and Drew and the rest of this team overachieved to get here in the first place. Let’s unpack that point while reviewing Friday’s game: