USA TODAY predicts 7 Boston Celtics among their list of players 75-51 of NBA’s greatest

Once again, the boys in green and white dominate.

It is not just us over at the Celtics Wire taking note of the NBA’s plans to revamp its 50 greatest players list ahead of the league’s 75th anniversary (the original list of 50 having been issued on the 50th anniversary of the Association), but also our parent site’s subscription-based content writers, among others.

And while you will need said subscription to get the whole list of their projected top-75 all-time player list with all the context and nuance it provides, we’ll give you a Boston Celtics-centric peek into the players making the cut this time around in their list of the players from 75 to 51, once again dominated by the boys in green and white.

Let’s take a look at where USA TODAY ranks Celtics in their own estimation of the league’s 75 greatest to grace the hardwood.