USA TODAY lists Malzahn’s buyout as too high to happen this season

Gus Malzahn would be owed more than $20 million if fired after this season.

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For those looking for a change at the top of the Auburn football program following this season, you might be a bit disappointed to read this.

Per USA TODAY Sports, Gus Malzahn is one of seven coaches in college football that have a buyout that is too high for the university to pay following this season.

It makes sense considering the economic trouble that a lot of collegiate athletic departments are facing due to COVID-19 this season and even more sense when you look at the high price tag that comes with getting rid of Malzahn: $21,450,000.


Buyout: $21,450,000

Mitigation/offset: None

Malzahn’s buyout made him nearly untouchable even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the idea of paying him $21 million at the end of this season – and then also bankrolling a new coach’s salary – seems particularly ludicrous. In fact, depending on the significance of Auburn’s revenue losses this year, Malzahn could be all but locked in as the Tigers’ coach for several years to come.