Understanding Jeremy Pruitt’s split safety coverage: STUBBIE

Understanding Jeremy Pruitt’s split safety coverage: STUBBIE

Jeremy Pruitt is one of the best defensive minds within the game of football.

One of Pruitt’s most successful defensive looks is a split safety coverage. Vols Wire previously went over the role of CONE, STUMP, SMASH, POSTER and FIT within the split safety coverage.

Vols Wire now looks at the STUBBIE role of the coverage.

STUBBIE is when the cornerbacks play tight coverage and are not off the ball. On the weak-side, STUBBIE and STUMP are the same.

Understanding STUMP

Understanding POSTER

The MONEY is the POSTER. The field cornerback will play press coverage on the No. 1 wide receiver. The STAR has the No. 2 wide receiver, six yards off, unless the third wide receiver goes into the flats. If the No. 3 wide receiver enters the flat, the STAR has him. If the No. 2 wide receiver goes underneath, the STAR also has the responsibility for him.

The weakness of STUBBIE is vertical passes and post routes against the safeties.

Understanding Jeremy Pruitt’s split safety coverage: CONNIE