Tyler Higbee’s proudest accomplishments: Super Bowl, captaincy and … a bobblehead

Tyler Higbee put his first-time captaincy up there with his top accomplishments, right next to his Super Bowl ring and bobblehead

Tyler Higbee may not be a household name, but he’s had a successful eight-year career with the Los Angeles Rams. He has 322 catches, 3,303 yards, 20 touchdowns, nine playoff starts and a Super Bowl ring, which is more than most players can say.

This year, he added to his resume by being voted a captain for the first time, something that means a lot to him. He puts that up there as one of his three biggest accomplishments, alongside his Super Bowl ring and, well, a bobblehead.

He talked to J.B. Long on the “Rams Revealed” podcast about how much his captaincy means to him, and why his own bobble head is so important, too – even if it seems insignificant.

“I was telling my mom, that’s up there with some of my biggest football accomplishments. Up there with the Super Bowl, and Tyler Higbee bobblehead that I got one time,” he said.

The bobblehead means so much to Higbee because of how cool he thought it was as a kid when athletes got them.

“Ever since you’re a little kid, I remember going to a hockey game when I was younger and it was a bobblehead night and they were passing out a bobblehead of someone – couldn’t even tell you who it was – and I was just like, ‘This dude’s got a bobblehead, that’s so cool,’” he said. “It reminds me that this is still like a kid’s game sometimes.”

It’s hard to argue with his logic, and he’s right in a sense. Not everyone gets a bobblehead made after them.

If you’re so inclined to add a Tyler Higbee bobblehead to your mantle, you can buy one online for $50.