Two changes occur on Pac-12 board of directors just before Pac-12 media day

#Pac12 media day is July 21. Changes on the conference’s board of directors are worth noting.

Pac-12 media day is coming quickly on July 21. Will the conference have a finalized media rights deal by then, or at least the framework of a deal which gives everyone in the conference enough assurance about the future?

While everyone waits for the big media rights moment and for other central plot points to finally be resolved, it is noteworthy that two spots on the Pac-12 board of directors have changed.

Jon Wilner of The Wilner Hotline has the details:

“— Washington State president Kirk Schulz took over as board chair from Washington’s Ana Mari Cauce, whose term expired.

“— (Robert) Robbins, the Arizona president, joined Schulz and Stanford’s Marc Tessier-Lavigne on the executive committee (in the spot previously occupied by Cauce).

“The move creates better geographic balance by giving the Four Corners schools, the quartet of universities being wooed by the Big 12, a presence on the influential body.

“What’s more, Robbins has vastly more passion for college sports than does Cauce. In fact, the executive committee now features perhaps the two most sports-savvy presidents in the conference, Robbins and Schulz. (The latter serves as the Pac-12’s representative on the College Football Playoff’s board of managers.)”

We will see if these changes have any effect whatsoever on the Pac-12’s maneuverings at a very delicate and important moment in the history of the conference.

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