Twitter reacts to Matthew Stafford-Jared Goff blockbuster trade

Fans couldn’t believe the Rams and Lions struck a deal involving Jared Goff and Matthew Stafford.

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The Los Angeles Rams and Detroit Lions struck a deal on Saturday night, swapping quarterbacks. The Rams are trading Jared Goff, two first-round picks and a third to the Lions for Matthew Stafford.

It’s a rare blockbuster trade involving two former No. 1 picks and predictably, it has everyone stunned. The Rams were believed to be in the sweepstakes for the Lions quarterback, but a deal wasn’t expected to come together this quickly.

Here’s how Twitter reacted to the news when it broke on Saturday night, with reactions from fans, media members analysts and the like. For the most part, people think the Rams paid a lot for Stafford, but many believe it’s a great fit in L.A.