Twitter reacts to Cam Newton’s return to the Panthers

You’ve been waiting for Cam Newton’s return to the Panthers for quite some time. And it shows.

Carolina Panthers fans have probably been waiting for this day since, well, Cam Newton was let go by the franchise back in March of 2020. So all the thoughts and emotions and, apparently, quality tweets have been bottled up . . . until now.

Here’s how Twitter reacted to—and in many cases, celebrated—Newton’s return to the Panthers. After all, it was inevitable . . .

It was also something former teammate Tre Boston lobbied for just days earlier. The safety might deserve a cut of the contract.

Have the turns tabled?

They may have for his father Cecil, who had an emphatic sit-down with his son a few months ago about the direction of his career. Preach!

And vindication!

Cam might have also have a new neighbor in Charlotte Hornets point guard LaMelo, who’s building his own legend into the city’s sports lure. Coincidentally, Ball purchased Newton’s uptown condo in December. Did he call taksies backsies?

Well, good thing they signed him. We wouldn’t want to miss what’s potentially in store for his return to Bank of America Stadium.

And, finally, did . . . did these two just become best friends?

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