Triston Casas tells the wildest Father’s Day story on air about his dad getting arrested

One of the wilder stories to tell on Father’s Day on ESPN.

Ah, Father’s Day. A time to share wonderful stories about your dad.

Boston Red Sox first baseman Tristan Casas did just that, but this one … has quite the twist. While doing an interview with ESPN’s Sunday Night Baseball, Casas remembered being a kid playing baseball and crying on the bench while his team was out in the field.

Casas’s dad came into the dugout and, per the player, “grabbed me by my shirt, dragged me to the line and Loony Tunes-style kicked me out on to the field.”

Then? His friend’s mom called Child Services and Casas’s dad was arrested and spent the night in jail. And the first baseman talked about the lesson he learned from all of that.

Like we said, wild.

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