Tre Boston on Cam Newton: ‘We miss him in this locker room’

Things might have turned out very different if they had been playing with a full deck all year, though.

The Panthers lost another game on Sunday, their sixth straight in what has become another disheartening season. Carolina’s 30-24 failure against the Seahawks – combined with the Falcons’ stunning upset of the 49ers – has dropped the team to last place in the NFC South.

Things might have turned out very different if they had been playing with a full deck all year, though. The most devastating development of the year came in the preseason when Cam Newton suffered a foot injury that wound up putting him on IR after just two games played. Looking ahead, the franchise faces a number of difficult questions about Newton’s future. Some analysts have predicted he will be suiting up for another team next year despite him having one year left on his contract.

Ask any of Newton’s teammates and they’ll tell you they want him around. Here’s what safety Tre Boston said about Cam after yesterday’s game, per the Athletic.

“I continue to wish him health (after) his surgery. I’m happy he got it. It was needed. Should have had it a little earlier. But he’s got it and I’m excited to see him come back. We miss him in this locker room.”

I don’t even play a doctor on TV so I can’t speak to whether or not Newton should have undergone surgery earlier. It is unfortunate the team won’t have him at 100% by the time the offseason program starts if they do decide to bring him back for another round.

It certainly doesn’t make much sense to go with anybody else currently on the roster. Kyle Allen’s performance on Sunday was another reminder of his painful limitations as a quarterback. Allen is a solid backup but looks unlikely to become a starting-caliber QB anytime soon.

We don’t know what the Panthers have in third-round pick Will Grier because he hasn’t been on the field since August. Interim head coach Perry Fewell told the media yesterday the thought of putting Grier in never occurred to him.

That leaves the team only one proven option at the most critical position.

Whether or not Newton is back in 2020 depends on a lot of factors, but it’s important to remember this roster was built to win with him as its centerpiece. Unless the front office plans on a total overhaul this offseason, Newton will still represent their best chance to win games.

As for Boston, he signed a one-year deal back in July, so he’s set to become a free agent. Boston’s season hasn’t been perfect but he’s performed relatively well. He earned a significant bonus on Sunday by securing his third interception of the season. Carolina’s secondary needs all the depth it can get and Boston’s only 27 years old, so re-signing him is a no-brainer. The Panthers should make him an offer similar to the one they gave Eric Reid last year.

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