Tre Boston concerned about 2020 NFL season: ‘It’s not looking good’

Panthers safety Tre Boston concerned about 2020 season: ‘This is not looking good.’

Everyone wants to see football return this fall like normal. The fact is we are living in an unprecedented situation due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and it’s threatening business as usual for every part of our way of life, including the NFL season.

Tre Boston sounds concerned that it might not happen. After getting off a call with the NFLPA, he tweeted that this is not looking good and encouraged people to wear their masks.

Right now, the biggest hurdle seems to be what to do about the preseason. It was reported a few days ago that the league wants to cancel half of the games, but as of yet the players union has not agreed. In fact, they are pushing for no preseason games at all.

According to Tom Pelissero at NFL Network, here’s one scenario being floated that would preclude the preseason altogether.

Interesting times.

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