Tracking Packers’ moves to get under the salary cap before 2023 league year

Tracking all the moves the Packers make to get under the NFL’s salary cap by the start of the new league year on March 16.

The Green Bay Packers entered another offseason needing to clear salary cap space to get under the NFL’s salary cap by the start of the new league year on March 16.

General manager Brian Gutekunst and executive VP Russ Ball will need to restructure the contracts of veterans and make tough roster decisions to get under the cap and clear enough space to both sign a draft class and operate during the 2023 season.

For reference, here are all the moves the Packers made last year to get under the cap in time.

Back to 2023. Here’s a running list of the moves made by the Packers to get under the salary cap by mid-March: