Top quotes from Washington GM Martin Mayhew introductory press conference

Martin Mayhew was officially announced as Washington’s new general manager on Wednesday, and he spoke about his vision for the team, as well as the next steps.

The move has been official for a couple of weeks now, but Wednesday marked the first time that we actually got formally introduced to Martin Mayhew, the new general manager for the Washington Football Team.

Mayhew is an experienced veteran in the business, having served as the GM for the Detroit Lions earlier this century, as well as the VP of Player Personnel for the San Francisco 49ers. He was also a player in the NFL, having won Super Bowl XXVI with Washington as a CB in 1991.

It was first reported that Marty Hurney would become the new GM in Washington, while Mayhew would hold a high-ranking executive role as well. We later learned that it would actually be Mayhew that would hold the GM title, while Hurney will be involved as a high-ranking executive in the front office. Both men have held numerous executive and general manager roles in the NFL before.

Here are some of the top quotes from Mayhew’s introductory press conference: